Automated tests

Both unit tests and functional tests are used to verify pyOCD.

The primary difference between unit tests and functional tests is that unit tests will work without a debug probe connected. Some unit tests do take advantage of a connected probe to expand testing, but those tests will be skipped if no probe is present. In contrast, all functional tests require at least one probe to be connected.

Test Setup

For test setup it is good practice to create a virtualenv in the repos root subdirectory. Otherwise expect weird behavior during tests.

$ python -mvenv --upgrade-deps .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .[test]
$ pytest

To make the tests pick the correct setup, a pyocd.yaml configuration file has to be used. For functional testing the file should contain a reference to a test_binary from test/data/binaries.

Example config file:

  E6614103E7176A23: # Probe's unique ID.
    target_override:  nrf52
    test_binary:      l1_nrf52840-dk.bin
    frequency:        6000000

Unit tests

The unit tests are located in the tests/unit directory of the repo. They must be executed using pytest, as they rely on the advanced capabilities of this tool.

To run the unit tests, simply invoke pytest in the root directory of the repo. Read the pytest help to see the many options it provides.

To get code coverage results, do the following:

$ pytest --cov-report=html --cov=pyocd
$ open htmlcov/index.html

Note: The unit test requires a target connection and test binary. It is currently the only unit that uses a target. When no targets are available the test cases will be skipped.

Functional tests

A series of fairly comprehensive functional tests are provided in the test/ directory.

The primary script for running these tests is It will execute all functional tests in sequence for all connected debug probes, then produce a summary and JUnit-style XML report. This script is used to execute our CI test plan, and we frequently use it on our personal development systems to test prior to creating pull requests.

The script has several command line arguments that can be used to control which test suites are run and on which debug probes. Use --list-tests to see available test suite names. Comma-separated lists of these names can be passed to the -x / --exclude-tests or -i / --include-tests arguments to exclude and include tests, respectively. Only one of these two arguments can be used at a time.

The -b / --board argument is used to select a debug probe on which tests will be run. By default, tests will run on all available debug probes. Adding any --board arguments restricts tests to run on only the specified set of debug probes.

List of functional tests

Test scripts with an “n/a” for the test name are not run by (or in CI) and have to be run directly with Python.

Test nameFileDescription
Basic Simple test that checks a range of basic functionality, from flash programming to accessing memory and core registers.
n/ Tests ability to connect to devices with with blank flash.
Commander Tests the pyocd commander functionality.
Commands Tests commands supported by commander and gdb monitor commands.
Concurrency Verify multiple threads can simultaneously access a debug probe, specifically for memory transfers.
Connect Tests all combinations of the halt on connect and disconnect resume options.
Cortex Validates CPU control operations and memory accesses.
Debug Context Tests some DebugContext classes.
Flash Loader Test the classes in the pyocd.flash.loader module.
Flash Comprehensive test of flash programming.
n/ Imports all pyocd modules. Run by the GitHub "basic test" workflow.
Gdb Tests the gdbserver by running the script in a gdb process. Note that on Windows, the 32-bit Python 2.7 must be installed for the Python-enabled arm-none-eabi-gdb to work properly and for this test to pass.
Json Lists Validates the JSON output from pyocd json.
n/ Checks for issues with accessing debug probes from multiple processes and threads simultaneously.
Probeserver Verify remote probe server and client.
Speed Performance test for memory reads and writes.
User Script Verify loading of user scripts.

Test binaries

The functional tests and some unit tests (currently only test/unit/ require a test firmware binary in order to run. This firmware can be extremely simple. The only requirement is that it have a valid vector table and be executable when loaded to the base of the boot memory. Ideally an LED is blinked so there is an easily-identifiable visual signal that the firmware is running.

Built-in targets almost all include a test binary in the pyOCD repository under test/data/binaries/. If the board has a board ID, e.g., those listed in pyocd/board/, the test binary is automatically identified.

If the target is not built-in (DFP) or does not have a board ID then, the test_binary session option must be set to the path of a test firmware binary file relative to the test/data/binaries directory. This can be conveniently added as probe-specific options in a pyocd.yaml config file placed under test/.

Azure Pipelines

PyOCD uses Azure Pipelines to run the CI tests for commits and pull requests. The pipeline runs the functional tests on a set of test machines, called self-hosted test agents in Azure Pipelines parlance. There is one each of Mac, Linux, and Windows test agents.

The complete results from pipeline runs are publicly accessible.

For pull requests, a pyOCD team member or collaborator must manually initiate the pipeline run by entering a special comment of the form “/azp run” or “/AzurePipelines run”.

Testing with tox

pyOCD includes a configuration file for tox that enables easy testing of multiple Python versions. The tox tool is included in test install extra, so it will already be present in a standard pyOCD developer virtual environment.

To run the functional tests via tox, just execute tox from the root of the pyOCD repo. It will create new virtual environments for each Python version and run

Currently only the functional tests are included in the tox configuration.